2024年11月27日 星期三

The Best Place

《The Best Place》是Danya Fast以研究人類學為前題下觀察並追縱溫哥華一班藥物成癮青年人的集結。


Danya的描述中看到成癮者背後有不少是原住民背景,他們從小被迫與至親分離,也遭受不少的肉體上和心靈上的暴力,藥物成為他們逃避現實、安撫他們的焦慮不安,甚或至後來是他們認為要依賴各種不同的藥物才能使生活可以運行。當中有的青少年從起初對未來存在美麗的幻想,希望生活可以改善,到發覺現實不如預期的沮喪感到力不從心、原地踏步。溫巿的減害措拖(Harm Reduction Approach)也讓一些青年人覺得他們在不斷的循環中未能找到踏實的里程碑和前行的方向,既沒有讓他們的生活走向積極健康,卻只是讓他們留在困境中等待死亡。



2024年11月6日 星期三






  • 住在BC省內
  • 25-69歲女士
  • 3年內未做過pap test / 5年內未做過cervix self screening 



In Canada, there are many things you need to handle yourself. Even cervical cancer screening can be done DIY.

Simply register online, and the test kit will be mailed to your home. The kit comes with online instructional videos that guide you through the process, making it quite straightforward and user-friendly. Once you collect your sample, you send it back in the prepaid envelope to the testing center, and the results will arrive within 4-6 weeks.

The self-service approach eliminates the need for a family doctors's referral, and it's completely free. I highly recommend this regular screening. While we all hope for a clean bill of health, catching any issues early on allows for better management.

If you meet the following criteria:

  • Live in British Columbia
  • Are a woman between 25-69 years old
  • Haven't had a Pap test in the past 3 years or a cervix self-screening in the past 5 years

You can register and get more information at the following website: http://www.bccancer.bc.ca/screening/cervix

Make sure to take advantage of this opportunity and take charge of your health!

2024年10月28日 星期一








My child has started writing English translations and notes to help himself remember words during Chinese class. These notes are similar to the ones we created while learning English as kids, which I find quite amusing.

I must praise my child for starting to grow up. While it may not be the best solution, seeing him take the initiative to learn and solve his own problems is comforting as a mother. I believe that if he can take the initiative in this area, his overall learning will gradually improve as well.

Learning Chinese in a foreign country is not easy. At this stage, my child is a bit reluctant and sometimes needs encouragement from us. I hope he will find interest and motivation in his studies so that his journey of learning Chinese can continue further.

2024年10月2日 星期三

Google Review




Thank you, Lihua, for the kind review on Google. 💖

It brings the greatest satisfaction and joy to a doctor when a patient can find relief from their suffering. 😊 I would definitely work even harder! 💪

2024年8月2日 星期五

C'est la vie


C’est la vie.


On the flight back to Vancouver from Toronto, the captain suddenly announced that everyone should look out the right-side window to see the Northern Lights! He even invited passengers to come up to the front near the cockpit for a better view. The lively crew really added a lot of fun to this journey.

Although my checked luggage is still missing, there are always good people and nice surprises to come across. 

C'est la vie.

2024年5月10日 星期五




Once in 20 years,

I could see the Northern Lights from home!

When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars, which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?
(Psalm 8:3-4)

2024年5月1日 星期三



Recently, I stumbled upon a gem at the Vancouver Public Library. This book, Exiled Hong Kong Children, was published less than a year ago, and the library already has it available for borrowing. It documents the immigration stories and parenting philosophies of 30 families. I found much resonance in their stories.

In ancient times, Mencius's mother moved houses three times for his education. Similarly, many immigrant families leave their homelands in hopes of creating a better environment for their children to grow up in. However, the transitions are often abrupt and intense, requiring significant adaptation. Both adults and children undergo growth, not only because of the challenges of a new environment but also due to changes in family dynamics and the reevaluation and reshaping of values.

Indeed, every place has its pros and cons. As humans, we are not omniscient; we can only make the best choice within our limitations. The gains and losses after these decisions are difficult to quantify. After all, we can’t peer into an alternate reality where we chose differently. The best we can do is take responsibility for our choices and continue to walk our path with conviction. So far, I firmly believe we made the right decision.

To say that the decision was made solely for our children would be too heavy a burden for them. Especially since, at the time, they were young and innocent, unable to influence the adults' decisions and left with no choice but to follow. I tend to think that it was my restlessness and desire for change that prompted this move. It was a decision based on our personal values as adults, and naturally, this choice has shaped our children’s lives in profound ways.

I am deeply grateful for the trust and willingness our children have shown throughout this journey.

I am also thankful that our family’s adjustment over the past two years has been unexpectedly smooth. This brings me to the topic of identity raised in the book. "Am I a Hongkonger?" This question feels both distant and close. Of course, when asked, I naturally respond that I am from Hong Kong. But the longer I’ve been away, the more distant it feels. Last Christmas, when I visited Hong Kong, I felt slightly out of place, more like a passerby.

Here in Canada, though, we are still newcomers without roots, requiring more time and effort to settle in. Perhaps the saying “Home is where the heart finds peace” rings true. No matter where we are, life on earth is but a temporary journey, and in the end, our ultimate hope is to return to our heavenly home.

2024年4月8日 星期一



今日仔仔突然說要搬去Ontario ,

就是Ontario 可以看到日全蝕,
而Vancouver 卻只能看到28%。
說Full eclipse是最棒、最正的,
在Vancouver 對這次日蝕確實完全無感🙈



Today, my son suddenly expressed his desire to move to Ontario.

I was puzzled—why would he suddenly want to relocate? After asking him more about it, I learned that he had heard the hottest news at school: Ontario would be able to see a total solar eclipse, while Vancouver would only get 28% coverage.

Watching him hold a flashlight and two balls to explain how an eclipse happens, and giving a detailed rundown of the different types of eclipses, I couldn’t help but feel both amused and impressed. He emphasized that a full eclipse is the best and most exciting one to witness.

I truly admire his pursuit of perfection. However, my dear child, I understand that there is a significant difference between 100% coverage and 28%. And I agree—Vancouver didn’t feel much excitement about this eclipse. 🙈 Still, moving just to see a special natural phenomenon might be a bit excessive, don’t you think? Why not just take a trip instead?

The thing is, we already missed the opportunity this time, and it’ll be another 20 years before we can see a total eclipse in North America again. 😅

(Image source: from the web)