2024年3月9日 星期六



之前經楓之谷法文自學谷認識了學語文的App: Duolingo,玩票性質地斷斷續續的自學,沒有很認真的學習計劃,進度當然是龜速。
這次測試,除了賺了真人法語對答機會,考評員見我聽法語上的問題,還推介了另一個自學法文app:Mauril ,內裡有很多不同的生活短片,由淺入深的教法文用語。從頭去聽最簡單的法語,真的發覺自己好像甚麼也沒學似的😂,真人發音很難聽懂🙈

P.S. 順道自介一下小妹拿來練習法文的threads:


Canada’s official languages are English and French. Everyday items and bank letters typically come in both languages, so since deciding to settle here, I’ve been eager to learn French.

I discovered a language learning app called 'Duolingo' through a self-study French group named 'Maple Valley French Self-Learning'. I've been using it casually, without a serious study plan, so my progress has been at a snail's pace.

After receiving my Permanent Resident status, I was pleasantly surprised to find that there are free language classes for new immigrants that include French! :) After waiting for six months, I finally secured a spot for the assessment.

The test was two hours long, covering reading, writing, listening, and speaking—similar to the IELTS exam. I received my results today, which revealed the impact of my slow-paced self-study. My reading and writing results were surprisingly decent, but as soon as I heard real French speakers, I struggled to understand them and naturally couldn’t answer the questions. Clearly, I was somewhat lost in conversation 🙈. I definitely need more immersion to improve my listening and speaking.

Besides giving me real conversation practice, the evaluator noticed my difficulties with listening and recommended another self-study app called Mauril. It offers a variety of everyday videos that teach French from beginner level upwards. Starting from the basics, I honestly felt like I hadn’t learned much at all 😂—real spoken French is tough to grasp 🙈.

While I'm waiting for a course placement (which might take another six months 😂), I’ll keep up with my self-study! 😊

P.S. Here’s my Threads account, where I practice French: https://www.threads.net/@tcmp_crystal"

2024年3月6日 星期三



今年隨老公公幹快閃Calgary ,可以跟姐姐聚餐慶祝🎂